Product Review Template

If you want to build a niche site and you’re thinking of creating individual review pages for various products, we’re here to give you a hand. Not all reviews are good and convincing, and no matter the template you might use, you could risk putting off prospective buyers just by showing off more of the pros than the cons. 

In today’s post, we’ll show you a product review template that works (for bigger and smaller pages) and describe some of the essential steps you need to take in order to make a sale. 

Best template for a product review website

First of all, the reviews that give the best results are short and sweet. So, even if your competitors might have created 5,000-word pages about a specific product, you might end up bringing in more money just by being brief and clear. 

product review template

Here’s what the ideal Amazon product review template should contain:

  1. A short intro 
  2. Product features
  3. How to use the product
  4. Pros and cons
  5. FAQs
  6. How does Product X compare to Product Y? (or more)
  7. Conclusion

This is the most basic structure that you can replicate and use to your advantage. There are other affiliates that prefer starting with their so-called ‘credentials’, meaning describing the persona that’s doing the review

As you might know by now, most small niche websites aren’t owned by ‘experts’. More often than not, they are owned and created by seasoned affiliates who rarely have any expertise in the site’s particular field. 

Furthermore, the content writers don’t have any experience in that field either, which means that presenting someone as an expert when, in fact, they are not, can be very off-putting for a prospective buyer who actually knows more about, say, generators than the one who wrote the article

The template that we’ve noted above often works best because it gives people the information that they need, and it even provides them with the reasons why they should and shouldn’t invest in that specific product. Usually, this is better than trying to convince site visitors that you know your thing. 

The intro

The intro should usually be short and to the point. You can talk about what the product does, how much it costs compared to some other options, whether it comes with any ground-breaking features, and if it can make a user’s life easier on the whole.

Make sure to integrate a product box right before or after the intro. If you’ve ever used heatmaps, you might know that many people don’t scroll to the bottom of your pages, so they are more likely to click on one of your affiliate links right in the intro.  

best template for a product review website

The features

If you don’t know what the product does or anything about its core characteristics, you should look at the manufacturer’s website first and read some other reviews. Try to keep the features as real as possible while also turning them into benefits. 

Is the product easy to use? How convenient is it? Does it have a battery? If so, how good is it? For a vacuum cleaner, for example, you could talk about its size and weight, how easy it is to move around, whether it’s corded or cordless, if it works on upholstery, and other such things. 

amazon echo

How to use…

Here’s where things can get a little more complicated, especially if you have never written about a product or a service in the same category. The best piece of advice that we have for you is to go on YouTube and see how that product actually works. 

The visual aspect can help you understand how it functions to the point that you can explain it to other people. It wouldn’t hurt if you embedded a video in this section, either. 

The pros and cons

Most affiliates overdo it with the pros and mention just a few cons, when, in fact, all products have a fair share of advantages and disadvantages at the same time. Try to be as realistic as possible in this section.

If you’d prefer to convince people to try out that product or service, we suggest leaving the ‘pros and cons’ section toward the end of your article. That way, there aren’t going to be a lot of people reading the cons. 

amazon product review template


You can use Ahrefs, SEMRush, or any other keyword research tool to see whether there aren’t any questions that people are asking about the product. 

If you can’t find too many, use the ones you do come across and take a peek at any other websites that might have created reviews of that product. Get some inspiration from people who’ve done it before. 


Comparison keywords can bring you some traffic too and can sometimes convince people to purchase a product. They aren’t as effective as ‘best’ or ‘review’ keywords, but they can occasionally bring you a commission. 

As is the case with the FAQ section, you should use a keyword research tool to find out what product comparisons people are looking for. 

For those that have a low search volume, we’d advise you not to waste your crawl budget by creating individual posts or pages about them. Sometimes, you can’t write more than a couple of hundred words on the topic anyway, so it’s better to include all that info (and the keyword in a heading, at least) on a larger page. 

The bottom line

If you use as many visuals as possible (product boxes and product images) and you keep everything short and sweet, it’s very likely that the structure that we have noted is going to be successful for you.

But as you probably know, there are many other factors that will affect your ranking, from your internal linking to the backlinks you get. 

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Craig Campbell
I am a Glasgow based SEO expert who has been doing SEO for 22 years. In this time I have gained extensive knowledge in the subject of SEO and have build up a wealth of experience in SEO and other digital marketing services.

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Craig Campbell

I am a Glasgow based SEO expert who has been doing SEO for 22 years.

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