So many people out there are looking to automate their Linkedin processes and there are a number of Linkedin automation tools on the market, some good, some bad and some really overpriced. I regularly do research on tools and only really post about those tools that offer real value and work efficiently and the tool I’m about to show you will do pretty much all of the grunt work you need to do on Linkedin for you. So, this is an introduction to Linkedhelper, it’s not that new but a tool that many people have not heard of.
Below you will see a full video demonstration of what this tool can do for you, it’s quick and easy to set up and the cost of the tool currently is $15 dollars per month and for what the tool does it’s worth every penny and using this tool basically allows you to carry on doing the important tasks you have to do on a day to day basis.
So pretty much all of the grunt work that people have no time for can be covered using this tool which will leave you to deal with any messages and interaction you have with your peers. Everyone loves working smart and this automated tool is a simple chrome extension that takes you a few minutes to set up each day and will do hours of work for you.
Personally, I have built up a massive amount of connections and a big following on Linkedin using tools like this. Linkedin over the years catch up with this type of tool, but this is the one that is working well at the moment.
First off, you do get a FREE trial of Linkedin helper to help you decide whether it’s the right tool for you, it offers you full access to the tool for 14 days which is more than enough for you to decide whether Linkedin Automation is for you. You can then sign up for a monthly or yearly plan and you do get a discount for paying upfront a year in advance. At $15 dollars per month you really can’t beat the pricing here.
As always I have made a quick video ( at the bottom of this page ) to show you how easy this tool is to use. It has 7 pages of different settings that you can use to set up and then you can implement your strategy from there.
Personally, I had a problem many years ago when I was setting up LinkedIn, I used to connect to anyone including recruiters and every other Tom, Richard and Harry, the fact that Linkedin only allows you to have 30,000 connections is a problem as I quickly got there and when anyone genuine wanted to add me I had to manually delete other connections (which is a right pain in the arse ) to allow other people to connect with me.
Linkedin Helper does do this for you automatically now, this is just a new feature they have but my advice to anyone using this is, don’t go for volume, build up a good bunch of connections that are likely to do business with you, rather than use my stupid approach of adding random people.
I should have been adding business owners, other SEO agencies and other people loosely related to my industry.
This tool has inbuilt security features so that you cannot overuse it, it will warn you if your settings are spammy. I use the default settings and that works fine for me, no need to go over the top and try and connect with 500 people per day. The tool will allow you to connect with 150 people per day which will keep you off Linkedin’s radar for using automated tools. So if you stick to the settings that are built into the tool and simply let it run daily you will quickly get results without running the risk of Linkedin penalising you for anything.
Using this tool can benefit you or your sales team generate leads online using Linkedin, but you could also potentially sell this as a service to other people.
People in the SEO industry also use this tool for outreach, so this tool can be used for a wide range of interaction with people if you think outside of the box. The tool does have limits on the number of people it recommends you connect with on a daily basis, but if you use this tool on a regular basis you will quickly find that your Linkedin profile will grow quickly.
Below is a full video guide showing you exactly how to get the Linked Helper tool working for you. If you have any questions on Linkedhelper then please do get in touch.
Do you need a premium Linkedin account to use this tool?
No, if you are doing very generic searches then a free account will work, but if you want to be a bit more in depth then a premium account will allow you to build a much better list of contacts due to more advanced search features.
Can I use one licence on multiple computers?
No one licence per computer, so make sure you install this on your most frequently used computer or use a virtual computer if you are using multiple tools for automation then I would advise that you go and use the virtual computer for that.
Yes if you have the right account you can white label this tool and have your own logo on there, which will allow you to tell clients it’s your own in-house lead generation tool specifically for Linkedin.
It is not wise to breach Linkedin’s terms of service or do anything that is likely to get them to ban you from using their platform, but its automation you will not go to jail for using tools like this, but do aim to go under the radar when using Linked Helper as you want to use this regularly to benefit your own profile and generate leads using this tool.
If your LinkedIn account is more than a year old then the chaps from Linked Helper can recommend the following settings, as they done testing on a FREE account that was more than one year old.
1) Invitations / connection requests —100 / day
2) Messages to 1st connections — 150 / day
3) Messages to group members — 15 / month per all LinkedIn groups
4) Endorsements — 60 /day
5) Profile Extractor — 150 / day
6) Profile Auto-Visiting —150 / day
7) Profile Auto-Follower — 150 / day
8) Collect from search (for inviting, messaging, exports or auto-visiting) — 2000 contacts / day
This limits have been tested on a free account, which was more than one year old.
You can get Linked Helper here, or go to and start generating leads today.
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